Tuesday, October 5, 2010


August 16, Day 17:

I haven’t made the time to write for a couple days, but nothing extremely exciting happened until we waved good-bye to the last relative at our Branson Family reunion.

At the reunion were many plagued creatures, growling creatures, creatures that climbed on rocks, and just your average wild and squirrelly creatures, but enough about the relatives. We had many Texas Hold ‘Em and Uno games, with many a smore and snack item (which is code for toothache and cavity). It was one more day after that family reunion and the next, so we stayed at the campground one more night with our family, the Wrights. We had an epic around the campfire story that I will never forget, but also one that I will never fully understand because each person would say a couple of sentences then pass it on to the next helpless victim. Who knew eggplants were eagles, and eagles were rhubarb? I’m still not quite sure.

Today as we were driving on to the Davis reunion, we stopped at a pull out on the side of the road to make sandwiches and leave some deeds. Had we only known a nice rest area was just around the next bend, I wouldn’t have had to slip down the hill just to sneak a leak.

Now we are here at a World Mark with my Grandpa and Grandma, they were the only two that showed up. What, did the others change their plans about coming because they heard we would be there? Or was it that they knew we were coming with two weeks of camping, sweat, dirt, and little cleaning beforehand? Either case, I scrubbed the ash from last week from out between my toes in the shower just now. Take that.

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