Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Extended Family, when I wanted to Extend the Limbs

August 12, Day 13:

Today’s drive from Oregon has been long and dull with the only excitement being vultures circling over the road. “Oh good,” I thought, “When I die from boredom my body will be dealt with cleanly.” Later as the trip continued, and I started to doubt if I was ever actually going to die, “Hey vultures, if I don’t die for awhile, could you at least use your talented talons to tantalize my tired tokus? I’ve been sitting for a long time and my butt is sore.” As you can see I haven’t died yet, but man bird feet are hard on a rumpus.

As we are rounding Lake Tahoe, I am reminiscing on the bathrooms I have been in between the last couple of days. I am still waiting for paper toilet seat covers…

In the last two days, I have stumbled upon various strange urinals. One I was standing at yesterday whizzed on me, while I just stood there. Our positions are switched completely the opposite where I come from, and the funny thing was that after the backward experience, I still had to use the bathroom. One today was pressed up against the regular toilet so that when I sat down my knee was jammed in the small space between the urinal, the toilet, and the wall. After the firemen came and got me out, I was able to zip up my pants, and we finished our drive to California.

Well, we’re here; going to be hanging with the extended fam. I’m now hoping one of them is a massage therapist like you see on infomercials, because it is surprising how much one backside can hurt from sitting down for so long, especially with added vulture talons enlodged inside.

We just got an interesting high view of two lakes on each side of our car. Can’t wait to soak sore, um, certain, um, articles of my anatomy in the cool water. But I’m leaving that behind me, just like it always is.

Aug. 13, Day 14:

Gotta’ love those family reunions! Well, maybe you don’t, but I have to since I’m at one right now.

The family on my mother’s side and ours are staying at Lake Tahoe and let me tell you about Lake Tahoe’s healing principles. First we went down to the lake via Pope Beach and had to pay a whole 7 bucks just to park! Then we froze to death swimming in the lake. After we thawed out a little, we broke our arms off in a family volleyball game. Then after I thought we had hope for recovery, we played and intense game of Texas Hold ‘Em. After that a mama bear and her cub came through the campground and scared us to death. But like I said, gotta’ love those family reunions.

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